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Natural Beauty

Laser Hair Removal

Bye Bye Razor!

Tired of Shaving, razor burn and ingrown hairs!? Well welcome to the 21st century, you don't have to! The Cutera Excel HR is the best laser hair removal system on the market for all skin types and tones. Its unique design, longer wavelength, and innovative sapphire cooling design allow extremely effective, safe, comfortable treatments and excellent results!

How does it work?

Cutera's Excel HR Laser Hair Removal treatments work by targeting the melanin in the hair follicle while in the active growth phase there by disabling it.

The number of treatments required for optimal long-term results depends hair thickness, the area being treated and your hair’s growth cycle.

Hairs enter this active growth phase at different times, on some parts of the body (for example, bikini, underarms, face) there are more hairs in the active or anagen phase at any given time. While on the legs and back, there are fewer, meaning more treatments spaced further apart.


What areas can be treated?

The Excel HR can remove hair from all parts of the body including:


  • Face

  • Legs

  • Arms

  • Underarms

  • Back


~It can also treat sensitive areas like the chest, areolas, and bikini area.


What do treatments feel like?

Using the sapphire cooling contact hand piece this treatment provides continuous cooling for superior effective, fast and comfortable treatments. The laser hang piece is in constant contact with the skin as it glides and pulses over the area being treated. Some areas are more sensitive than others but all in all very tolerable.


How to prepare for my appointment?

Avoid sun and self tanner on areas to be treated 3-4 weeks prior to treatment. Please avoid waxing and depilatory creams as the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicles so there needs to be a follicle in tacked in order to disable it.  Shaving the area 24 hours prior is best suited for the treatment. Laser hair removal does not treat gray, white, extremely blonde or vellus hair (peach fuzz).

Avoid retinols or hydroquinone for 5 days prior to appointment, Your Intake form with provide you with the opportunity to inform your technician of any medical conditions or medications you are taking that might sensitize you to light or affect wound healing.  


When should I expect results?

Following the treatment, you can return to your normal activities right away, but some redness may occur. SPF is recommended on any treated areas exposed to the sun. Most areas require 6-8 treatments spaced 6-10 weeks apart depending on the area being treated. In some cases up to 12 treatments can be needed, and as little as 4 can be needed. Hormonal hair may require maintenance treatments due to the fluctuation of hormones.




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